Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman Xbox 360 Game Review

I was really excited to play this game, as I'd heard that it was supposed to be like Batman Arkham City. I put it in my Game Fly queue at #1, and waited. They sent me like, four other games before I finally got Spiderman.

I finally got Spiderman, and fired it up. I found it not a whole lot like Batman, to be honest. It had some mechanics that were reminiscent  but it seemed that IF their goal was to make a game like Batman, they stopped about 30% of the way there.

Now, let me preface this by saying, it's a fun game. I enjoyed it. However, I felt that there were a lot of things they sorta just "phoned in".

First, and feel free to disagree with me on this, but I found it to be a huge distraction... I know this is a game, and a fantasy setting at that, so this might just be a hang-up for me... There were MANY times when you're web-slinging around, and there's clearly nothing the web could be attached to. I had this complaint as a kid watching the cartoons, and as an adult watching the movies. Some of the time, they didn't let you swing, cause there was nothing above, but MOST of the time it was a non-issue.

Challenge Mechanics
My next biggest complaint is one that I have with most games... Repetition of task. The "boss" fights were very mechanical. Punch six times, dodge twice, then do a "thing." The boss reels, and comes at you... Punch six times, dodge twice, then do that thing again. There was an awful lot of "Rinse, repeat". Even the "puzzle" type things were similar. There's one room that you go into, and in each corner of the room there are... things  Generators? and when you step in, the room electrifies. You retreat to an upper corner, wait, the come own, and break one of the generators. Rinse, repeat 3 times. Then there's another of the same rooms, only this time there are also gun turrets. Same process, you just do it 8 times now, instead of 4.

It was way too easy to hit RT and retreat out of sight, get over someone, and "silent take down". You could probably fight every single enemy who isn't a boss this way. Also if they were standing next to a wall, you could just shoot webs and stick them to the walls, and be done with them. There were also many times when I hit the dodge button when the alert popped up over my head, and he still got hit.

There was a lot of the game that was very "on rails". Once you entered a duct (which is another thing I'm really tired of... crawling around in ductwork. I used to install ductwork. Small buildings don't have huge ducts like that, I'm sorry. If you were to try to crawl around in them, you'd fall through, or at least make so much noise it wouldn't be useful.) you could only go one direction. You couldn't even look around. Why bother putting that part in the game, why not just show me entering the duct, and then cut to me exiting the other end?

Aside from that stuff though, the game was enjoyable. I probably won't bother playing it again, but it was fun.
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