Monday, July 15, 2013

Borderlands 2

I was a pretty big fan of Borderlands 1, except for the ending, which I will not spoil for you, in case you're planning to play it and haven't heard the countless masses complaining about what a shitty ending it was... Cause it was. was SO bad, that they actually poke fun at what BS it was, in Borderlands 2.

Despite the ending being ass, I still enjoyed the heck out of the game. Thus, getting number 2 was a forgone conclusion.

I found 2 to be a much better game than 1. However it still kept with the feel of game 1. I'm not entirely certain about this, but I think I spent much more time playing 2, I think it was a longer game.

Claptrap is... different... in 2. He's still as obnoxious, but he's got many more things to say, and he's a little bit funnier.

What are your thoughts on Borderlands 2?